About Us

About Us

Vetri Vikaas places children at the heart of our programs and policies, nurturing their individuality and fostering a profound connection to their Indian heritage.

We're dedicated to creating an inclusive school administration that empowers our teaching staff with academic freedom, supported by ongoing teacher training in modern educational methods. Vetri Vikaas is a rising educational institution in South India. Founded with a noble purpose, our school strives to produce academically accomplished students with strong moral values, driven by the vision of Er. G. Vijay, a renowned educationist and philanthropist.

We go beyond college readiness, focusing on the practical application of acquired skills for future studies and careers. At Vetri Vikaas, we inspire curiosity, making academic achievement a rewarding journey for our students.


Our Vision

At Vetri Vikaas, our paramount vision is "knowledge at par with excellence." We recognize that education must be intricately connected to life, equipping students with the skills, self-confidence, determination, and courage they need to navigate life's challenges successfully.

Our Mission

To realize our vision, we are dedicated to providing educational excellence that aligns with the expectations of parents, students, and society. Vetri Vikaas leverages innovative ideas, extensive experience, and a steadfast commitment to continuous development. We nurture young minds, allowing them to bloom and radiate the essence of love and compassion. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to a society free from barriers, transcending creed and caste divisions, where our graduates stand out as exemplary citizens.

Goals & Objectives

Promoting Quality Education

Our foremost objective is to provide quality education, fostering comprehensive personality development in each child. This, in turn, equips them to become responsible citizens of tomorrow.

Active Student Participation

At Vetri Vikaas, we firmly believe in making students active participants in their educational journey. We emphasize their role in the learning process.

Preparation for a Changing World

Our efforts are dedicated to preparing students to be disciplined, fearless, courteous, and well-informed individuals in an ever-evolving world.

Holistic Skill Development

Our aim is not only to facilitate students' entry into colleges but also to help them comprehend how their acquired skills can be applied in future studies, life, and careers.

Stimulating Curiosity

The school places a significant emphasis on academic excellence. Throughout our educational journey, we strive to ignite curiosity and interest in various subjects among our students.